ABOUT ME - Vincent Clohessy
Love & Relationship CoachSupporting you to fall in love and stay in love
Hi, I’m Vincent! I was born to work with you on your relationship and it’s work I love to do. Thank you in advance for the possibility of being of service.
My Story – Young Life
I first fell in love at the age of seven and have been fascinated with relationship dynamics ever since.
Growing up with my brother and two sisters in the back of rough East London pubs, in the 1970s and 80s, I witnessed incessant violence against both my parents from customers in what was, in effect, our front dining room.
The almost nightly violence and malice of the raging drunks who patronised our pub, had a deep affect on me.
I saw first hand the tragic and disastrous impact of addiction. If you’re not familiar with Hackney in London, during my childhood it was definitely not a wholesome and enriching environment to raise children. Financial trouble, family conflict and danger were the trademarks of my home and family life as a child.

Early Thoughts
In this environment I witnessed life-and-death situations, yet I knew I wasn’t destined to live life around people who found it acceptable to be violent towards one another for no apparent reason or justification.
In fact it was the opposite, and being in an environment so different from my own true nature took a toll on me.
My physical environment was full of danger and not much enrichment, care or nurturing. So that created a norm for my thought processes, beliefs and behaviour.
I began to feel more and more isolated, more fearful that I would never experience true joy and happiness in my lifetime, and had even adopted a lifestyle of partying and recklessness in order to numb the pain of disappointment.

I recognised I didn’t like that and, having come to a crossroads, decided that I was never again going to live in such unhealthy environments.
The first image that came to mind of a wholesome alternative was of the beach, palm trees and to be in the warmth of the sun everyday.
So the first thing I did was to become location independent in my work.
I then organised my life to ensure I had constant sun, sea and sand, moving to a Mediterranean paradise in the Balearic Islands.

Finding My Coaches
Once I had found my idea of heaven, I realised I needed to find a mentor and coach. I then met Dana Minney, a professional coach and established trainer who introduced me to the Sage Method of coaching which is based in curiosity.
And I’m not talking about intellectual curiosity here but instinctive curiosity. How do you know when you are curious? You ‘light up’! Your ‘lights’ show up in a certain flash of aliveness in your eyes, your smile, a change in your movement pattern and energy.
Sage coaches are well trained in helping clients find their ‘lights’, the threads of their own curiosity, aliveness, vitality and passion.
I have been trained to do this as well.

SAGE Tools
Dana introduced me to more than 100 coaching tools for communication and perception learnt from the man I later trained with as well, Martin Sage of Sage University.
They are tools created to help people be better partners, parents, coaches and leaders. I learnt a profound way of communicating for every relationship in my life. It came out of Dana and Martin’s clear ability to communicate with me in a way that makes me feel honoured and lets me know exactly where I stand.
They gave me clear feedback, even when it wasn’t positive, which let me know precisely what works and what doesn’t work, and they manage to do it in a way that ‘lights me up’, and makes me want to do better.
The truth is, the way they dealt with me, creating scenarios where I could win and feel successful, giving me kind feedback even when I made mistakes, has earned my complete trust and loyalty as well enabled me to achieve incredible happiness in my life and relationships.

Training with a Sage coach will help you immediately see how valuable you are, and get you focused on your future ideal relationship.
It could be that you are at a turning point in your relationship and you could benefit from my experience and ability to help guide you to find your relationship’s potential, just as I have, moving you towards and creating a relationship you love.
I would love the opportunity to assist in fulfilling on this.

For me, I now have personal relationships that inspire, excite and fulfil my needs.
Coaching can expand your ability to see things clearer, make new choices and try different things.
If you have read something here that made you curious, perhaps you are interested in creating change in your relationship, learning communication tools, interpersonal dynamics, family systems coaching or finding the pieces of your puzzle that “light you up”… Please share your thoughts with me below and let me know how I may assist or support you.
Thank you so much for sharing my story and most of all, for your curiosity.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.
Start To Turn Your Relationship Around Today!
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